Church camp, riding camp, art camp, karate camp, VBS, another church camp, another VBS, cheer camp, soccer camp, basketball camp, football camp, swim camp, another VBS, and still ANOTHER church camp.
I would spend more than $1000.00 on camps if I sent both kids to all of the camps they were interested in.
I love that they have so many hobbies and interests and friends that they want to spend a week with and leave me, their loving mother all alone (so sad).
HOWEVER, we work two jobs to pay bills and I just can’t afford it. So! What’s a Mama to do?!
FIRST, narrow down that horrible, terrible, too long, never ending list of camps! I asked SparkPlug and Speedy (youngest offspring) which camp they wanted to go to the most and we narrowed it down.
SECOND, you look around for the adults, realize YOU’RE the adult and start figuring out the money
There are always options. Here are a couple ideas…
Summer Jobs – SparkPlug (oldest offspring) works two days a week at my parents business doing odd jobs to have spending money for his summer wants.
(BRAG MOMENT: He bought himself a PlayStation 5 last summer doing this with zero help from Mom and Dad)
Fundraisers – This is a four letter word at my house. I am HORRIBLE at selling literally anything!!! But somehow kids can sell anything!
I don’t get it.
Personal fundraisers sometimes can seem a little awkward BUT bake sales go over well, garage sales, or even selling items online.
Sponsors – You can always contact the organization hosting the camp and find out if anyone has offered to sponsor a child wanting to attend their camp.
Work to your strengths – Are you a good organizer? Offer to organize someone’s closets one Saturday for a set amount.
Are you a fantastic foodie? Help someone with some food prep.
Whatever you are good at. Use that!
Fill your calendar – This one has been used a lot in recent years but it does get the job done. Post or pass around a 30 day calendar and ask friends, family and coworkers to donate the amount of whichever square they choose.
For example: if someone chooses squares 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, they would
donate $15 towards your total goal.
This fundraiser will raise approximately $464.00. Not a bad chunk of change.
Have fun sorting through all of the million of camps that your babies want to go spend the summer at.
Love out Loud!